On Tue, 10 Oct 2017 19:55:36 +0000, Chirs Forest wrote:

> It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to use the word cast before each
> cast, bust since I have to specify both the word cast and the cast type
> and then wrap both the cast type and the value in brackets... it just
> explodes my code into multiple lines of unreadable mess.
> void foo(T)(T bar, T bar2, T bar3){...}
> byte foobar = 12;
> foo!byte(foobar + 1, foobar + 22, foobar + 333);
> vs.
> foo!byte(cast(byte)(foobar + 1), cast(byte)(foobar + 22),
> cast(byte)(foobar + 333));

You could wrap the cast in a function to clean it up a bit:

void main() {
    byte foobar = 12;
    foo!byte((foobar + 1).b, (foobar + 22).b, (foobar + 333).b);

byte b(int n) pure {
    pragma(inline, true); // Probably not necessary.
    return cast(byte)n;

void foo(T)(T bar, T bar2, T bar3) {
    import std.stdio : writeln;
    import std.string : format;
    writeln("%s, %s, %s".format(bar, bar2, bar3));


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