On Saturday, 25 November 2017 at 22:13:43 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

It technically did:


"It is an error to use a local variable without first assigning it a value. The implementation may not always be able to detect these cases. Other language compilers sometimes issue a warning for this, but since it is always a bug, it should be an error. "

But that paragraph was never implemented (it is a bit easier said than done to actually detect given if conditions and stuff too, especially in the early days of D when the compiler didn't even make any effort to track such things, though it does now...). The compiler author took the easy way out of initializing them to invalid values instead.

WOW!! I am shocked to learn this. All this time, I though it was a design oversight. I think I'm going to implement a feature gate to require explicit initialization. It would be better to be strict up front and relax it as flow control analysis becomes more mature.


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