I've finally started learning git, due to our team expanding beyond one person - awesome, right? Anyways, I've got things more or less figured out, which is nice, because being clueless about git is a big blocker for me trying to do any real work on dmd/phobos/druntime. As far as working on a single master branch works, I can commit, rebase, merge, squash, push, reset, etc, like the best of em. What I'm confused about is how all this stuff will interact when working on a forked repo and trying to maintain pull requests while everyone else's commits flood in.

How does one keep their fork up to date? For example, if I fork dmd, and wait a month, do I just fetch using dmd's master as a remote, and then rebase? Will that actually work, or is that impossible across separate forks/branches? What if I have committed and pushed to my remote fork and still want to merge in the latest changes from dlang's master branch?

And how does a pull request actually work? Is it a request to merge my entire branch, or just some specific files? and do I need a separate branch for each pull request, or is the pull request itself somehow isolated from my changes?

Anyways, I'd just be rambling if I kept asking questions. If anyone can offer any kind of advice, or an article that explains these things concisely and effectively, that would be helpful.


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