On Thursday, 14 December 2017 at 19:10:26 UTC, mrphobby wrote:
On Thursday, 14 December 2017 at 14:07:25 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
I was playing with this myself based on Jacob's code and made it look like this:

extern (Objective-C) interface ViewController : NSViewController {
        extern (C)
        static void loadView(ViewController self, SEL sel) {

        extern (C)
        static void viewDidLoad(ViewController self, SEL sel) {

        ViewController init() @selector("init");
        mixin RegisterObjCClass;

This looks pretty awesome and very much like something I was looking for. Would really appreciate if you could share your work. Otherwise I'll have to roll up my sleeves and try hacking it on my own :)

Ok, I finally had some time to work this out today. Thanks to the ideas posted here I was able to wrap something up despite my very limited knowledge of D and its compile time features :)

Basically this is what your classes will look like:

extern (Objective-C)
interface AppDelegate : NSApplicationDelegate {
        mixin ObjCClass;

        AppDelegate init() @selector("init");

        extern (C):

static void applicationDidFinishLaunching(AppDelegate self, SEL sel, NSNotification notification) {

In this case I needed to add the explicit superclass attribute since NSApplicationDelegate is a protocol and not a class. If your object inherits from an interface representing a regular Objective-C class you don't need this.

The actual registration and setup principle is based on Jacobs code and I added stuff to handle the attributes. Obviously you need declarations for Objective-C runtime calls but you can find those in Jacobs example source as well.

Anyway, hope this helps. Feel free to fork and improve!

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