On Monday, 26 February 2018 at 05:15:48 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 14:25:04 UTC, Arredondo wrote:
On Friday, 23 February 2018 at 16:56:13 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
I had given up and used WSL at this point rather than compile it myself with CMAKE. Less of a headache.

I don’t understand. Wouldn’t WSL produce Linux binaries? I need my project compiled as a Windows .exe, other parts of my development environment depend on that.

Usually what I need is to do some calculation and print the results in the console or write them to a file, so it's fine for me. If you need an exe, then I guess WSL wouldn't be for you.

Okay, so I just finished configuring WSL. The way I want to use my app is having it read from stdin, do some calculations, and write to stdout, in an infinite cycle. I wanted to feed this to some higher level algorithms in Wolfram Mathematica, that's why I needed Windows binaries. But it turns out that I can feed the shell.exe program itself to Mathemtaica, and from there call my compiled-in-ubuntu app and do the same thing. So it looks like I could get away with using WSL after all.

I am new to linux, so I could use some help, and you have clearly done this before. So far I've managed to install dmd and OpenBlas. I guess I should pass some commands to dmd so it knows where to look for the static blas and lapack libraries. Any suggestions?

Thank you,

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