On 5/21/18 3:20 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Monday, May 21, 2018 14:40:24 Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-
learn wrote:
For me, the code smell is using arr is null (is it really necessary to
check for a null pointer here?), for which I always have to look at more
context to see if it's *really* right.

Really? I would never expect anyone to use is unless they really cared about
whether array was null. I'd be concerned about whether the code in general
was right, because treating null as special gets tricky, but that particular
line wouldn't concern me.

Don't get me wrong, they probably *do* mean to check if it's null. But do they *need* to check?

I'll borrow from your example below:

if(arr != null && arr == arr2)

Replace this with:

if(arr !is null && arr == arr2)

Does this look any better? I don't think so, it means the person didn't understand what an array actually is. Even though the second actually has some semantic meaning (the first is a no-op), it's likely not what the author intended.

In most cases, when they check for null, they just want to check to see if the array is unset. The semantic meaning of this is usually that it's empty, they don't really care if it's actually null or not. In which case, checking for exact nullness is actually more expensive, and prone to problems.

This comes from many languages where an array is an object type that defaults to null, and we reinforce that misconception by allowing null as a valid array literal.

Even people who write == null may want to check for null thinking that
it's how you check an array is empty, not realizing that it *doesn't*
check for a null pointer, *AND* it still does exactly what they need it
to do ;)

You honestly expect someone first coming to D expect to check whether an
array is empty by checking null? That's a bizarre quirk of D that I have
never seen anyhwere else. I would never expect anyone to purposefully use
== null to check for empty unless they were very familiar with D, and even
then, I'd normally expect them to ask what they really mean, which is
whether the array is empty.

Reread what I said again. They *think* they need to check if it's null (it being the mythical Array object type that the language no doubt lowers to, just like it does in Java or C# or Swift or...), but really, they only need to check if it's empty. Which happens to be all they really need.

For instance:

int[] arr;

if (cond)
   arr = new int[5];

if (arr == null)

Now, you can certainly replace arr == null with arr is null, and the code works fine -- identically, even though it's more expensive. But to me, the arr is null is a red flag. Does the person know that they are checking for the ACTUAL value null? You still have to read the code to figure it out! I would say most times it's a bug waiting to happen. I can't imagine you just see "arr is null" and move on believing the author knew what they were doing.

It's the same reason that


was temporarily out of the language.

It's similar, but I consider it a different reason. While the intent of
== null may not be crystal clear, 99% of people don't care about the
pointer, they just care whether it's empty. So the default case is
usually good enough, even if you don't know the true details.

I think that that's the key point of disagreement here. I would never
consider the intent of == null to be crystal clear based solely on the code,
because it is so common outside of D to use == null to actually check for
null, and there are better ways in D to check for empty if that's what you
really mean. My immediate expectation on seeing arr == null is that the
programmer does not properly understand arrays in D. If I knew that someone
like you wrote the code, I'd probably decide that you knew what you were
doing and didn't make a mistake, but I'm not going to assume that in
general, and honestly, I would consider it bad coding practice (though we
obviously disagree on that point).

The fundamental reason why == null is generally OK is because generally the person doesn't distinguish between nullness and non-null but empty. Believe it or not, this is my position as well. Either works fine for their code, and in fact, when you analyze the code, checking for emptiness is really what they mean.

Consider that new T[0] returns a null array. What happens if it returned a non-null array? Only code that uses "is null" would break. Code that uses == null would work fine.

I would consider the if(arr) and arr == null cases to be exactly the same.
They both are red flags that the person in question does not understand how
arrays in D work. Yes, someone who knows what they're doing may get it
right, but I'd consider both to be code smells and I wouldn't purposefully
do either in my own code. If I found either in my own code, I would expect
that I'd just found a careless bug.

== null is way more forgiving than if(arr). That is the point I'm making. Both can be used incorrectly, only one is going to have big problems with implementation details.

If we never had null be the default value for an array, and used []
instead, I would be actually OK with that. I also feel one of the
confusing things for people coming to the language is that arrays are
NOT exactly reference types, even though null can be used as a value for
assignment or comparison.

But it still wouldn't change what most people write or mean, they just
would write == [] instead of == null. I don't see how this would solve
any of your concerns.

It would solve the concern, because no one is going to write arr == [] to
check for null. They'de write it just like they'd write arr == "".

I disagree. I think that's exactly what they would write, either that or arr == arr.init.

I'd posit that most people who write == null are checking to see if an array has been initialized or not. Initialized meaning "I assigned some length of elements to it". This works whether the pointer is null or not.

clearly checking for empty, not null. The whole problem here is that pretty
much everywhere other than D arrays, null and empty are two separate things,
and pretty much anyone coming from another language will expect them to be
different. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see a newbie D programmer doing
something like

if(arr != null && arr == arr2)

This is actually WAY easier to understand than just arr != null by itself. Clearly the user thinks arr is an object as I discussed above. It's not concerning at all, you just say "you don't need to check for null, it's not really an object".

And out of those who do understand how D dynamic arrays work, a number of
them continue to distinguish between null and empty arrays in their code -
e.g. folks like Andrei and Vladimir who write code that uses


and means it the way the language means it. The core problem is that D
treats null arrays as empty. If it would either treat them as actually null
(with all of the segfaults that go with that) or not treat null as a dynamic
array, then that whole problem goes away. So, if null were not a dynamic
array in any shape or form, and you had to use [] to indicate an empty
array, then that would solve my main concerns with null and dynamic arrays.

Code that uses if(arr) is prone to issues, because something that returns an empty array that has a null pointer is really an implementation detail. I wouldn't consider any code that depends on the implementation detail to be robust.

If we couldn't use null, and used [], then it doesn't *look* as incorrect, and probably this would solve some of the confusion. But really, it's no different, and I'm sure you'd still see code like:

if(arr != [] && arr == arr2)

  • Re: is == Neia Neutuladh via Digitalmars-d-learn
    • Re: is == Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
    • Re: is == Neia Neutuladh via Digitalmars-d-learn
      • Re: is == Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
      • Re: is == Neia Neutuladh via Digitalmars-d-learn
        • Re: is == Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
    • Re: is == Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
      • Re: is == Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
      • Re: is == Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
        • Re: is == Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
        • Re: is == Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-learn
  • Re: is == Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
  • Re: is == IntegratedDimensions via Digitalmars-d-learn
    • Re: is == Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
    • Re: is == IntegratedDimensions via Digitalmars-d-learn
      • Re: is == Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
      • Re: is == IntegratedDimensions via Digitalmars-d-learn
        • Re: is == IntegratedDimensions via Digitalmars-d-learn

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