On Wednesday, 30 May 2018 at 22:57:06 UTC, aberba wrote:
I've been given a challenge to write texts using asterisks to form the letters. D happen to have an unlimited amount of idioms yet i'm out out ideas as to the simplest approach. Task is to basically take a piece of text and write them as asterisks to the console.

*****  *
*      *
*****  *
    *  *
*****  *

First solution I found was to create a class for each letter...like new A(), new B() and implement the logic withing each class. This doesn't scale and i'll have to write about 24 or more classes.

Another complex but "makes sense" solution will be to use a GRID system like old digital watches but i'll need a more complex grid to draw complex letters using a dictionary of REPOPULATED indexes of asterisk for each word. First use the length of the string to compute the grid size and iterate over each character to indentify the dictionary of a letter's indexes to use:

**   **
**  ***
**   ***  (an R using a more complex Grid)

How will you approach this problem in D idiomatically?

I'd use an ascii art approach:

- Programatically make bitmaps with each letter rendered using a monospaced font.
- use higher order functions to make 2d arrays of ' ' and '*'

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