On Thursday, 21 June 2018 at 19:52:25 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Thursday, June 21, 2018 13:16:28 wjoe via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
On Wednesday, 20 June 2018 at 12:22:33 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

> Do you know how to extract information from it on an > unfamiliar OS? Reading stack trace is easier and > self-evident.

Counter question: How do you develop for an unfamiliar OS with
unfamiliar tools in the first place ?
The concept of a debugger and a memory dump is fundamentally the same on every OS I know or care about just as much as the D error
implementation doesn't care about niche cases.

Of course you can debug your applications via print to console if you feel that this is productive enough and ignore the bugs you can't fix that way.

Simply having a stack trace would be plenty in many cases, and if you're primarily developing an a different OS from the one the user was on when the error occurred, getting a stack trace may allow you to see what the problem is and fix it without setting up a debugger on the OS that the user was running (which could be a huge timesaver if you don't normally use that

That is if that other OS provides the means to print one and the user is skilled enough to relay that info to the developer. There's apparently no other option. Because as I learned here that installing your own crash handler, for instance, which writes this stack trace to a file and submits a crash report to the developer, is not possible.

Additionally, you might end up empty handed in case of a daemon since best practice in this domain is to close stdin/out/err to prevent them to litter the terminal with output and/or they may be runnig headless and this kind of output would never be seen.

OS). That being said, the optimal solution is likely printing out the error message and stack trace, and then giving a coredump (or the OS' equivalent) at the point of the failure. Then if the message and stack trace are enough, you're good to go, and if you need the coredump to get more detailed information, then you have it.

- Jonathan M Davis

Those who are comfy rarely see the needs of others. My attempt in this regard was to show how it feels like not to have that info.

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