On Monday, 30 July 2018 at 10:23:06 UTC, CC wrote:
With "targetPath", it sounds like I'd need to modify a file (DUB's .json file) that's in the source tree to indicate where some(?)/all(?) of the files resulting from the build would be stored.


But it sounds like I'm maybe fighting DUB's design by even attempting out-of-source builds. So I need to ask: when using Dlang and DUB, are in-source builds simply the idiomatic way of doing things?

Yes one typically uses dub within the source, e.g. `dub` (or `dub build`).

As much as I'm a fan of out-of-source builds, I'm trying to be open-minded as I dive into D.

There might be another way. Dub can generate Cmake files:

dub generate cmake

Though I think you'll need cmake-d (https://github.com/dcarp/cmake-d) for it (disclaimer: I never played with dub's support for cmake.)

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