On Thursday, 10 January 2019 at 07:04:52 UTC, George wrote:
What do people use to generate nice looking and simple html documentation for their projects?

If you like my style <http://dpldocs.info/experimental-docs/arsd.simpledisplay.html> and syntax <https://github.com/adamdruppe/arsd/blob/master/simpledisplay.d#L41> you can use my site.

If you wanna run yourself, go here: https://github.com/adamdruppe/adrdox clone that, hit make (on Linux at least) and run the program: `./doc2 /path/to/your/project`. It spits out html in a generated-docs folder.

OR if you are on the code.dlang.org dub repository, I have a server that will run it all for you by just going to


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