On Monday, 4 March 2019 at 18:34:09 UTC, Robert M. Münch wrote:
Hi, when compiling a minimal Windows GUI app (using WinMain()) and compiling it with DUB, the 32-bit x86 version is a character subsystem EXE (writeln works) and for x86_64 it's a GUI subsystem EXE (writeln doesn't work). Since compiling the same source, with the same DUB config file, I would expect the x86 and x86_64 version to be equal.

That's the DUB JSON I use:

        "targetType" : "executable",

        "libs-windows-x86_64": ["user32", "gdi32"],
        "libs-windows-x86"   : ["gdi32"],

So, how can I get a character subsystem for x86_64 and a GUI subsystem for x86?

I stopped using WinMain with D a long time ago. It's not necessary. If you always use `main`, then both linkers will provide you with a console subsystem app by default. That's particularly useful during development. You can add a configuration to your dub.json that turns on the windows subsystem for both linkers.

For OPTLINK (x86) you only need to pass to the linker `/SUBSYSTEM:windows`.

For the MS linker (x86_mscoff, x86_64) you need to that and you need to specify that the entry point is `main`, because it will expect `WinMain` when you specify the windows subsystem. You can do that with `/ENTRY:mainCRTStartup`


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