On Sunday, 7 April 2019 at 15:35:46 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:
On Sunday, 7 April 2019 at 03:47:25 UTC, Alex wrote:
rules are meant to be broken.

No they're not! Almost by definition not!

More comprehensively, if you break a rule you take responsibility for the outcome. You wanna use stringof? "Don't use stringof for that." "rules are meant to be broken." -- "Wah, my code doesn't work, stringof is shit, bad design, fix D pls." Don't ask questions if you don't care about the answers. More importantly, don't ignore advice and then complain about it.

You are a moron. Almost by definition?

Here is some advice, don't be a pscyhopath. You come in to a thread without any desire to help in any way but to throw your 2c's and pretend you have something useful to say.

You really are an idiot. The problems I faced had nothing to do with stringof. I did a search and replace and replaced ALL instances and the EXACT same code and issues were generated.

That alone proves you are a moron.

You can't expect to lead by authority. Give a good reason why I should avoid it and change my current ways and I will.

Your code will break in surprising and unfixable ways. `stringof` is not *for* mixin. If you use it for mixin, you will be on your own design-wise. The language will not be changed to "fix" the "bugs" you run into. It will work until it won't work, and then you'll have to rewrite the entire thing anyway.

Don't use stringof for mixin.

go screw yourself. Please don't EVER respond to me again. I will ignore ALL your replies. I don't give a shit about your "advice". You clearly have no idea what you are talking about but have some need to act like an authority.

I just hope you don't have a badge and a gun... People like you end up killing other people because they don't do shit the way you think they should.

I'm just wondering if your that Adam guy... kinda fishy you both show up spouting the same BS and don't even back up your claims and when I say prove your claim by an example you spout the same BS.

Morons make claims, experts prove them, neither of you have proven anything but you have made a lot of claims.

It amazes me people like you freely exist in the world.

Again, LEAVE ME ALONE! But I bet you won't! Psychopaths like yourself just can't shut the fuck up when told to go away.

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