On Friday, 10 May 2019 at 18:09:28 UTC, Johan Engelen wrote:

You only need `-fprofile-instr-generate` for generating default.profraw.

Yep, it is because I also tried to use uftrace and xray

contains only calls to external libraries

That's impossible, because those are exactly _not_ profiled.

Yes. Probably, it was uftrace output.

But, nevertheless, I do not see calls of my own functions.
In addition to the call _Dmain and _D4mainQfFAAyaZ9__lambda2MFZv

All another calls is made inside of this lambda - maybe lambdas is not traced by profiler?

This may help: https://forum.dlang.org/post/voknxddblrbuywcyf...@forum.dlang.org

Already read it.

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