On Thursday, 5 September 2019 at 09:07:30 UTC, berni wrote:
import std.algorithm: reverse;

How to get this working? (I hope I don't annoy you by asking that much questions, but I've got the feeling, that I've got only two choices: To shy away from using immutable (like I did in the last three years) or ask a lot of questions in the hope of understanding what's going on...


Difference is, retro lazily iterates in reverse order, while reverse eagerly reverses in-place.

Don't worry about asking questions - it's a good way to learn, and we like helping. :) Immutable is not very well supported everywhere in the library, sadly. It seems an important building block would be something like Reassignable!T, which would hold a struct with immutable members, and still be reassignable with different values.


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