On Friday, 20 September 2019 at 20:35:41 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Not a minimal example by any means, but Phobos *does* come with a doubly-linked list implementation: std.container.dlist.

Thanks, H.S. I did come across that in my search. Trouble is, with all the extra stuff in there, I'm having trouble separating what I need from what I don't.

On Friday, 20 September 2019 at 21:34:08 UTC, Dennis wrote:
Below is a simple doubly linked list with Garbage Collected memory. It's not performant or complete by any means, just a minimal example in D like you wanted.

Thanks, Dennis. Not performant... It doesn't work? I was hoping for a complete, working example, but maybe this'll help.

You probably also want methods for removing nodes or inserting in the middle (else why don't you use an array?)

Yup. That's where I'm running into trouble.

I think you can think of an implementation for those yourself (or look them up, there should be plenty examples online).

I thought I could, too. And I thought there'd be lots of examples online, too. (Otherwise, I wouldn't have embarrassed myself in public like this.) But if there are, I can't find them... not in D. And it seems that D is just different enough from the other examples I'm finding so that I can't use them as a guide.

Here's a question for the room:

Does a doubly-linked list always have to be done with structs? Can it be classes instead? (Maybe that's why I can't get it to work, because I've been trying to make an OOP version?)

When I run the following code, it gets through creating the list head and the first node, then seems to get stuck in an infinite loop. Here's the code:

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

class TabList
        Tab _head;
        int lastUniqueID = 0;
        string labelText;
        void append()
                string labelText = "Tab " ~ lastUniqueID.to!string();
                Tab* current;
                if(_head is null)
                        _head = new Tab(lastUniqueID, labelText);
                        current = &_head;
                                current = current.getNext();

                        Tab tab = new Tab(lastUniqueID, labelText);
        } // append()

        Tab* getHead()
        } // getHead()
} // class TabList

class Tab
        int _tabID;
        string _label;
        Tab* _prev = null, _next = null;
        this(int uniqueID, string labelText)
                _tabID = uniqueID;
                _label = labelText;
        } // this()
        void destroy(int id)
                if(_tabID is id)
        } // destroy()

        Tab* getNext()
        } // getNext()
        Tab* getPrev()
        } // getPrev()
        int getTabID()
        } // getTabID()
        void setNext(Tab* tab)
                _next = tab;
        } // setNext()

        void setPrev(Tab* tab)
                _prev = tab;
        } // setPrev()  
} // class Tab

void main(string[] args)
        TabList tabList;
        tabList = new TabList();
        for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        Tab* tab = tabList.getHead();
} // main()

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