On Saturday, 21 September 2019 at 08:49:48 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
On 21.09.19 10:34, Ron Tarrant wrote:
Here's a question for the room:

Does a doubly-linked list always have to be done with structs? Can it be classes instead? (Maybe that's why I can't get it to work, because I've been trying to make an OOP version?)

It can be done with classes.

When I run the following code, it gets through creating the list head and the first node, then seems to get stuck in an infinite loop. Here's the code:
class Tab
     Tab* _prev = null, _next = null;
     Tab* getNext()
     Tab* getPrev()
     void setNext(Tab* tab)
     void setPrev(Tab* tab)
} // class Tab

Your mistake is that you're using pointers. `Tab` is a class. That means values of the type are already references. There is no need for `Tab*`. Just use `Tab` wherever you have `Tab*` now, and get rid of any addr-ofs (`&foo`) and dereferendces (`*bar`) you have.

Ah! Thanks, ag0aep6g. I was wondering about that when I was writing the code. (If I already knew this, I'd forgotten.) I did as you suggested, took out all '*' and '&' and it works perfectly.

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