On Thursday, 26 September 2019 at 16:30:39 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:

Dub is a tool for developers, I understand your requirements that you want target end customers of your applications. Therefore dub is the wrong tool for this job.

To be more precise, gtkd is a wrapper for GTK. Gtkd is not interesting in this context, but the dependency on gtk. On windows you have the possibility to either publish your application with GTK dlls or to run gtk setup routine as part of your application setup routine or just say in your readme that the customer needs to run GTK setup on there own.

On posix (linus, macos) of course you can also say in your readme that the customer should run apt-get ... to install gtk (here I do not have much knowledge on packaging).

Kind regards

Excellent. That's exactly what I needed to know, Andre. Thanks very much.

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