On Friday, 18 October 2019 at 13:38:11 UTC, Ron Tarrant wrote:
On Friday, 18 October 2019 at 07:35:21 UTC, Martin Tschierschke wrote:
I very often end with a solution found on one of the StackExchange forums like > StackOverflow or AskUbuntu etc.

I have found that StackExchange does often have answers, but I can't say I like asking questions on there, especially if the question is almost-the-same-but-not-the-same as a question asked earlier. In cases like this, I've been told that the previous answer applies to my question, even when it doesn't.

In one instance, a moderator closed my question without reading the details in order to find out that, no, it's not the same question at all... and then refuse to reopen the question when I point this out.

So, although I'll continue to use StackExchange as an historical resource, I would rather not depend on it for getting answers to new questions.

This is why I am for an own D Learn Forum, the process is (partly) described here:

The moderators of this should come from this forum community, if this can not be achieved, I am against a move, too.

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