On Tue, 2019-12-24 at 09:52 -0800, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
> On Tue, Dec 24, 2019 at 10:18:49AM +0000, Russel Winder via
> Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

> Haha, well, a *real* hardcore retro guy would be using a magnet, a
> pin,
> and a *really* steady hand, to flip individual bits on an exposed
> harddisk platter to create the executable in the filesystem directly,
> one bit at a time.
> Of course, one could also just use emacs:
>       https://xkcd.com/378/
> :-D

One always returns to using Emacs for text editing – it is the One True
Editor™ (and kitchen sink).

> It wasn't so much wrong highlighting for me, it was the fact that it
> was
> highlighted at all.  I find the kaleidoscopic colors extremely
> distracting and disruptive to my focusing on the textual content of
> the
> code.  Not to mention that the colors usually clash horribly with my
> chosen foreground/background color scheme in my terminal, which only
> adds unreadable bits of text to the problem.

Emacs and JetBrains CLion seem to work fine for me in both light-on-
dark and dark-on-light mode, so syntax highlighting works for me for
the editors I use.

I keep trying VIM, Atom, VSCode, SublimeText, Geany, etc. from time to
time, but I get bored trying to get them set up to be even remotely
sensible and just go back to Emacs.

> Actually, I wouldn't mind a syntax-oriented editor, if one could be
> made
> that wasn't artificially restrictive in terms of editing various
> different languages and various different flavors of different
> languages, such that it could be used as a general tool.

There is a movement to try and bring back what could be described as
SOEs, but I am not seeing that much traction as yet. The incumbent
editors that use vast quantities of CPU to reconstruct ASTs on the fly
seem to dominate mindset.

> This madness is nothing compared to the utter, gibbering insanity of
> modern web design, in which modern 8-core CPUs with GHz speeds and
> GBs
> of memory run dead-simple applications like word processors at the
> *same* speeds (if not worse!) as WordStar would run back in 1980 on
> an 8
> *Hz* CPU with 64KB of RAM.  With exactly the same lag between
> keystrokes, and the same (lack of) reliability requiring frequent
> backups and incessant restarting.
> Now *that* I call a mad, mad world.  The madness of IDEs parsing and
> reparsing the same AST over and over again umpteen times per second
> doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of *this* madness. I just
> can't wait to see some poor sod attempt to reimplement a modern IDE
> in
> Javascript and succeed at reproducing 1980's IDE speeds and (lack of)
> quality.  And of course the masses would slobber all over it and hail
> it
> as "progress".  The browser king has no clothes, and everybody sees
> invisible.

I can only agree with this rant. The modern world of software has
increasingly become about doing less and less useful to the end user
with more and more hardware resources.
Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200
41 Buckmaster Road    m: +44 7770 465 077
London SW11 1EN, UK   w: www.russel.org.uk

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