Derek Parnell wrote:
On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 09:59:01 -0600, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

D pursues compatibility with C and C++ in the following manner: if a code snippet compiles in both C and D or C++ and D, then it should have the same semantics.

Interesting ... but I don't think that this should be the principle
employed. If code is 'naughty' in C/C++ then D should not also produce the
same results.

I would propose that a better principle to be used would be that the
compiler will not allow loss or distortion of information without the
coder/reader being made aware of it.

These two principle are not necessarily at odds with each other. The idea of being compatible with C and C++ is simple: if I paste a C function from somewhere into a D module, the function should either not compile, or compile and run with the same result. I think that's quite reasonable. So if the C code is behaving naughtily, D doesn't need to also behave naughty. It should just not compile.

(1) u + i, i + u
(2) u - i, i - u
(3) u - u
(4) u * i, i * u, u / i, i / u, u % i, i % u (compatibility with C requires that these all return unsigned, ouch)
(5) u < i, i < u, u <= i etc. (all ordering comparisons)
(6) -u

Note that "(3) u - u" and "(6) -u" seem to be really a use of (4), namely
"(-1 * u)".


I am assming that there is no difference between 'unsigned' and 'positive',
in so much as I am not treating 'unsigned' as 'sign unknown/irrelevant'.
It seems to me that the issue then is not so much one of sign but of size.
It needs an extra bit to hold the sign information thus a 32-bit unsigned
value needs a minimum of 33 bits to convert it to a signed equivalent.
In the types (1) - (4) above, I would have the compiler compute a signed
type for these. Then if the target of the result is a signed type AND
larger than the 'unsigned' portion used, then the complier would not have
to complain. In every other case the complier should complain because of
the potential for information loss. To avoid the complaint, the coder would
need to either change the result type, the input types or add a 'message'
to the compliler that in effects says "I know what I'm doing, ok?" - I
suggest a cast would suffice.

In those cases where the target type is not explicitly coded, such as using
'auto' or as a temporary value in an expression, the compiler should assume
a signed type that is 'one step' larger than the 'unsigned' element in the

   auto x = int * uint; ==> 'x' is long.

I don't think this will fly with Walter.

If this causes code to be incompatible to C/C++, then it implies that the
C/C++ code was poor (i.e. potential information loss) in the first place
and deserves to be fixed up.

I don't quite think so. As long as the values are within range, the multiplication is legit and efficient.

The scenario (5) above should also include equality comparisions, and
should cause the compiler to issue a message AND generate code like ...

   if (u < i)  ====> if ( i < 0 ? false : u < cast(typeof(u))i)
   if (u <= i) ====> if ( i < 0 ? false : u <= cast(typeof(u))i)
   if (u = i)  ====> if ( i < 0 ? false : u = cast(typeof(u))i)
   if (u >= i) ====> if ( i < 0 ? true  : u >= cast(typeof(u))i)
   if (u > i)  ====> if ( i < 0 ? true  : u > cast(typeof(u))i)

The coder should be able to avoid the message and the suboptimal generated
code my adding a cast ...

if (u < cast(typeof u)i)

Yah, comparisons need to be looked at too.


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