Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Bill Baxter wrote:
On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 9:42 AM, The Anh Tran <> wrote:
aarti_pl wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu pisze:
 > We're trying to make that work. D is due for an operator overhaul.
 > Andrei

Is there any chance that we get possibility to overload "raw operators", like in C++? I think that they may coexist with currently defined operator
overloads with simple semantic rules, which will not allow them to work
together at the same time.
Marcin Kuszczak
Me also have a dream :D

<Daydream mode>
class Foo
       auto op(++)(); // bar++
       auto op(++)(int); // ++bar

       op(cast)(uint); // cast(uint)bar // opCast
       auto op(())(int, float); // Foo(123, 123.456) // opCall

       auto op(+)(Foo rhs); // bar1 + bar2
       auto op(+=)(int); // bar += 1234;
       auto op(.)(); // // opDot

       Foo op([][][])(int, char, float); // bar[123]['x'][123.456]

       auto op([..])(); // i = bar2[] // opSlide
       auto op([..])(int, int); // bar[1..10]

       auto op([..]=)(float); // bar[] = 12.3 //opSlideAssign
       auto op([..]=)(int, int, float); // bar[1..3] = 123.4

When I suggested this kind of thing long ago, Walter said that it
encourages operator overload abuse, because it suggests that  + is
just a generic symbolic operator rather than something that
specifically means "addition".  That's why D uses "opAdd" instead.
It's supposed to encourage only creating overloads that follow the
original meaning of the operator closely.  That way when you see a+b
you can be reasonably sure that it means addition or something quite
like it.

I think that argument is rather weak and ought to be revisited. It's weak to start with as if writing "+" in a D program hardly evokes anything else but "plus". What the notation effectively achieved was put more burden on the programmer to memorize some names for the already-known symbols. I think the entire operator overloading business, which started from a legitimate desire to improve on C++'s, ended up worse off.

I feel quite strongly that C++'s operator overloading was a failed experiment. The original intention (AFAIK) was to allow creation of mathematical entities which could use natural syntax. The classic example was complex numbers, and it works reasonably well for that, although it requires you to create an absurd number of repetitive functions.

But for anything much more complicated, such as matrices, tensors, big integer arithmetic, etc -- it's an abject failure. It's clumsy, and creates masses of temporary objects, which kills performance so completely that it's unusable. But the whole point of operator overloading was to allow nice notation in a performace-oriented language! Expression templates are basically a hack to restore performance in most cases, but it comes at a massive cost in simplicity.
And the performance even then is not always optimal.

I think that Walter's idea, in tightening the semantics of overloaded operators, is the right approach. Unfortunately, it doesn't go far enough, so we get the worst of both worlds: the C++ freedom is curtailed, but there isn't enough power to replace it.

Ultimately, I think that the problem is that ideally, '+' is not simply a call to a function called 'plus()'. What you'd like an operator to compile to, depends on the expression in which it is embedded. For maximum performance, an expression needs to be digested before it is converted into elementary functions.

In my 'operator overloading without temporaries' proposal in Bugzilla,
I showed that DEFINING a -= b as being identical to a = a - b, and then creating a symmetric operation for a = b - a allows optimal code generation in a great many cases. It's not a complete solution, though.

In particular, irreducible temporaries need more thought. Ideally, in something like a += b * c + d, b*c would be created in a memory pool, and deleted at the end of the expression. (By contrast, a = b*c+d, would translate to a=b*c; a+=d; so no temporary is required).

There are other, less serious problems which also need to be addressed.

Defining ++a as a+=1 is probably a mistake. It raises lots of nasty issues.
* If a is a complex number, a = a + 1 makes perfect sense. But it's not obvious that ++a is sensible. * What type is '1'? Is it an int, a uint, a long, ... You don't have that issue with increment.

As I see it, there are two possible strategies:
(1) Pursuing optimal performance, which requires semantic tightening, and reduced flexibility, or
(2) Pursure simplicity and semantic flexibility, sacrificing performance.

I think those two possibilities are mutually exclusive.

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