The Anh Tran wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
    auto op(++)(); // bar++
    auto op(++)(int); // ++bar

Hey, wasn't the implementation of the postincrement operator through an overload a rather untasty hack?

Aside for a minor change in notation, there's no improvement. We're looking for much more broad improvements, such as offering the ability to overload several operators with only one function.


How about this:

Unary op: ++f, ~f, ~f, +f, -f, *f
auto operator(++, --, ~, !, +, -, *)()
    // posfix is provided by compiler
    // and is only used for: foo++ foo--
    static if (posfix)
        return op(this.value);
    else ...

Binary op: equality comparison f1 <= f2
bool operator(<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=)(Foo foo)
    return op(this.value, foo.value);

For un-order object, he/she just list 'correct' operator(s) in op() list. Ex: bool operator(!=, ==)(Foo foo) {}

Why invent new syntax when compile-time strings are already there?

auto operator(string op)() if (op == "++" || op == "--")
    return mixin(op ~ "this.value");

etc. That, of course, is orthogonal to the semantic equivalences suggested by Don and does not solve fusion.


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