== Quote from Walter Bright (newshou...@digitalmars.com)'s article
> dsimcha wrote:
> > == Quote from Walter Bright (newshou...@digitalmars.com)'s article
> >> If the compiler does general memoization on pure functions, all it has
> >> to do is use the bits of the arguments passed on the stack to the
> >> function as an index into an associative array of the return values.
> >> The problem is identifying if this would be faster than recomputing the
> >> return value.
> >
> > Wouldn't this also cause threading issues?  The obvious solution would be 
> > to use
> > TLS, but his requires duplicating the cache across threads.  Also, using AAs
> > internally like this would lead to very deeply hidden memory allocations, 
> > and
> > therefore possibly more frequent GC, etc.
> Immutable data doesn't have threading issues, which is the beauty of them.

You misunderstood the question.  I mean, at the implementation level, even 
it wouldn't be visible to the programmer, the AA that did the memoization would
have to be mutable so it could be modified when a new value was to be memoized.
This is where the threading issues would come in.  What I was saying is that
synchronizing on this would be bad for obvious reasons, and TLS would still not 
great because you wouldn't be able to share memoized values across threads.

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