Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Benji Smith wrote:
Actually, memory allocated in the JVM is very cache-friendly, since two subsequent allocations will always be adjacent to one another in physical memory. And, since the JVM uses a moving GC, long-lived objects move closer and closer together.

Well the problem is that the allocation size grows quickly. Allocate and dispose one object per loop -> pages will be quickly eaten.

for (...) {
    JavaClassWithAReallyLongNameAsTheyUsuallyAre o = factory.giveMeOne();

The escape analyzer could catch that the variable doesn't survive the pass through the loop, but the call to method makes things rather tricky (virtual, source unavailable...). So then we're facing a quickly growing allocation block and consequently less cache friendliness and more frequent collections.


Good point. I remember five years ago when people were buzzing about the possible implementation of escape analysis in the next Java version, and how it'd move a boatload of intermediate object allocations from the heap to the stack. Personally, I don't think it'll ever happen. They can't even agree on how to get *closures* into the language.

I personally think the JVM and the HotSpot compiler are two of the greatest accomplishments of computer science. But the Java community has long since jumped the shark, and I don't expect much innovation from that neighborhood anymore.


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