"BLS" <windev...@hotmail.de> wrote in message 
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:42 AM, naryl <c...@ngs.ru> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 14 Jan 2009 18:40:19 +0300, Bill Baxter <wbax...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Qt 4.5 to be LGPL
>>>> http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09%2F01%2F14%2F1312210
>>>> Now we just need a D port...
>>>> --bb
>>> There is a binding currently in development. 
>>> http://code.google.com/p/qtd/
>> Excellent.   I didn't know anyone was working on it.  Qt is simply the
>> best damn GUI toolkit there is.  But I wouldn't touch it with a meter
>> long chopstick when it was GPL.
>> I guess the D port is going to have MOC too?
>> --bb
> I am just curious: Why QT is such a damned cool toolkit ?
> In other words, how is it better than wxWidgets ?
> I've never used QT  but QT is IMO more comparable to SWING in that it 
> mimics  native controls/widgets...so semi-optimal.
> ...and what the heck is MOC ?
> Bjoern

>From what I gather from having recently been trying to read up on Qt:

- The newer verions of Qt actually use the real native widgets, unlike older 
versions of Qt.

- MOC is a preprocessor packaged with Qt. Qt uses this concept of "signals" 
and "sockets", which are apperently just like using a delegate collection 
(ie, like "(void delegate())[]" or C#/WinForm's event system, or something 
like that). Problem is, the original version of Qt is made for C++, which 
doesn't have proper delegates (at least not last I checked). So they hacked 
it together using a special preprocessor for C++ code.

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