On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 1:50 AM, Yigal Chripun <yigal...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>> Question: since D2 now uses the same runtime as tango and that
>>> includes the (same) GC, do we still need the wrapper, for D2 code?
>> What do you mean by wrapper? Or you mean extern C++ capabilites of
>> D2? I tried them, and they seem really poor. Besides nobody who I was
>> asking knows when D2 finally stabilise and goes out of beta, tango
>> for example isn't going to be ported to D2 in nearest future.
> I was refering to Bill's WeakRef class. In the above quote you can see that
> he said: "WeakRef Yigal was referring to is just a handy wrapper class for
> the same GC callback that std.signals uses.  Plus it's compatible with both
> Phobos and Tango."

The need for the "handy" part doesn't go away.  Just the need for the
"compatible" part.


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