Reply to bearophile,

Bill Baxter:

That's a good point.  I never think of stuff like that because I use
dsss most of the time.
You want per-file flags?  Ha!  Dsss laughs at you.  Unfortunately.
I usually compile programs with bud, that applies the same thing to
all modules. I presume as dsss.

As soon as Walter realizes that's a quite natural way to use D (that
is, to let something (possibly the compiler) find the modules it needs
by itself. LDC may eventually grow this essential feature), he may
think about ways to influence the compiler from the code itself,
creating compiler directives that can be embedded in the code (as in

I am not sure this is the best good solution, maybe there are better
solutions, like improving those tools (or the compiler) to allow a
finer specification of the compilation flags.


A better way to go could be to have a config file passed to DMD that has a long list of "codefile.d: -flags" and let DMD pick the correct flags to append to the command line

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