Hello Andrei,

In my opinion an embarrassment of riches isn't necessarily bad. It was
real bad only when using one library precluded using the other.


Speaking of D2 in general, I think 2009 will be a big year. There has
been a lot of great work done on D2 in the past couple of years, but
quite little to show for it in terms of code and publications. This
has frustrated Walter and myself at times, but when we talked about it
we always reached the conclusion that we have a sound plan and that
sometimes you just have to keep on working for those mythical delayed
rewards. Well, this year it looks like at least some of those rewards
will materialize.  Speaking of Phobos2 in particular, if I manage to
execute at least part of my vision on Phobos2, it will become a
powerful and thoroughly pleasant to use library.


Sounds exciting. Hope it all works out. It's especially nice to hear even a general statement of direction here now and again. So thank-you. I know it must be tough slogging. :)


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