Sergey Gromov wrote:
Mon, 19 Jan 2009 06:15:06 -0800, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Michel Fortin wrote:
Other possible things involves a rudimentary profiler (checking for the elapsed time at each loop iteration), or a progress monitoring template (notifying another thread of the progress of a particular task).

    foreach (task; progessUpdater(timeProfiler(listOfTasks)))
    { ... }
You can't compose iteration based on opApply. How would progessUpdater and timeProfiler look like? This example pretty much transforms your argument into mine :o).

I think "can't" is a bit strong a statement.  Let's see:

With opApply:

class progressUpdater(Collection)
  this(Collection c)
    collection_ = c;
int opApply(int delegate(ref ElementType!(Collection)) dg)
    composed_ = dg;
    return collection_.opApply(&fancifier);
private: int fancifier(ref ElementType!(Collection) el)
    return composed_(el);
Collection collection_;
  int delegate(ref ElementType!(Collection)) composed_;

I see. Very ingenious! Reversed flow of control all the way. Thanks.


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