Thu, 22 Jan 2009 21:53:02 -0500, Michel Fortin wrote:

> On 2009-01-19 18:11:15 -0500, Sergey Gromov <> said:
>> I think "can't" is a bit strong a statement.  Let's see:
>> With opApply:
>> class progressUpdater(Collection)
>> {
>>   this(Collection c)
>>   {
>>     collection_ = c;
>>   }
>>   int opApply(int delegate(ref ElementType!(Collection)) dg)
>>   {
>>     composed_ = dg;
>>     return collection_.opApply(&fancifier);
>>   }
>>   private:
>>   int fancifier(ref ElementType!(Collection) el)
>>   {
>>     globalOnProgress();
>>     return composed_(el);
>>   }
>>   Collection collection_;
>>   int delegate(ref ElementType!(Collection)) composed_;
>> }
> I think it's the same as this:
> class progressUpdater(Collection)
> {
>   this(Collection c)
>   {
>     collection_ = c;
>   }
>   int opApply(int delegate(ref ElementType!(Collection)) dg)
>   {
>     int fancifier(ref ElementType!(Collection) el)
>     {
>       globalOnProgress();
>       return composed_(el);
>     }
>     composed_ = dg;
>     return collection_.opApply(&fancifier);
>   }
>   private:
>   Collection collection_;
> }
> Or this:
> class progressUpdater(Collection)
> {
>   this(Collection c)
>   {
>     collection_ = c;
>   }
>   int opApply(int delegate(ref ElementType!(Collection)) dg)
>   {
>       foreach(ref ElementType!(Collection) el; collection_)
>     {
>       globalOnProgress();
>       if (dg(el))
>         return 1;
>     }
>     return 0;
>   }
>   private:
>   Collection collection_;
> }

Or even this:

class progressUpdater(Collection)
  this(Collection c)
    collection_ = c;

  int opApply(int delegate(ref ElementType!(Collection)) dg)
    return collection_.opApply(
      (ref ElementType!(Collection) el)
        return dg(el);

  private Collection collection_;

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