Sun, 25 Jan 2009 13:51:28 -0800, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

> Christopher Wright wrote:
>> Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>>> Never ever *ever* EVER *EVER* email a password in clear. I'd say, if 
>>> anyone thinks she wants to do that, she doesn't deserve a server that 
>>> understands basic security concepts, even if one existed.
>>> Andrei
>> This isn't terribly important if you're only considering one system that 
>> does not require any significant amount of security.
>> However, people reuse passwords, and sometimes they'll use the same 
>> password for sensitive and non-sensitive systems.
> My point exactly. I do have one "insecure" password that I use e.g. with 
> mailing lists, and a "secure" password. The worst that happened was that 
> some webmoron has set up a system that asked me to choose a password via 
> a https protocol, to then email it to me in clear... When I tried to 
> casually explain the mistake of his ways, he got all combative.

All my passwords are generated, and different.  When I acquire a
password for a sensitive resource I make sure to change it to generated
as soon as possible.

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