Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Don wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I've worked valiantly on defining the range infrastructure and making std.algorithm work with it. I have to say that I'm even more pleased with the result than I'd ever expected when I started. Ranges and concepts really make for beautiful code, and I am sure pretty darn efficient too.

There's a lot to sink one's teeth in, but unfortunately the code hinges on a compiler fix that Walter was kind enough to send me privately. I did document the work, but the documentation doesn't really make justice to the extraordinary possibilities that lay ahead of us. Anyhow, here's a sneak preview into the up-and-coming ranges and their algorithms.

Ranges are easy to define and compose efficiently. It was, however, a pig to get a zip(r1, r2, ...) working that can mutate back the ranges it iterates on. With that, it's very easy to e.g. sort multiple arrays in parallel. Similarly, chain(r1, r2, ...) is able to offer e.g. random iteration if all components offer it, which means that you can do crazy things like sorting data that sits partially in one array and partially in another.

Singly-linked list ranges are in, and to my soothing I found an answer to the container/range dichotomy in the form of a topology policy. A range may or may not be able to modify the topology of the data it's iterating over; if it can, it's a free-standing range, much like built-in arrays are. If it can't, it's a limited range tied to a container (of which I defined none so far, but give me time) and it's only the container that can mess with the topology in controlled ways. More on that later.

Feedback welcome.


Awesome stuff. Will take some time to adjust my thought processes for this.
Some minor comments:
* Is Repeat simply a single-parameter form of Cycle? I can't see any difference between them.

Cycle takes a range and essentially provides a (potentially mutable!) way of iterating it. Repeat just gives one element. At the moment that element is also mutable, so the difference is moot. I'll consider removing Repeat.

* Uniq docs should at least add one word: Iterates [[consecutively]] unique elements of the given range.
* find:
To find the last element of [[a bidirectional]] haystack satisfying pred, call find!(pred)(retro(haystack)).

(unless Retro also works for forward ranges, which seems unlikely).

Thanks (and correct).

* There's no pushHeap. Is it planned?

I plan to do something nicer: make Heap an entity of its own instead of a collection of disparate functions. I'm unsure about the name because I mean "the computer science heap" as opposed to "the heap for allocating memory".

Even better. You might consider including adjustHeap, which is used in eg Dijkstra's algorithm. Stepanov said it was intended to have been public in the STL, but got dropped for political reasons <g>.

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