BCS wrote:
Hello Lars,

Myself, I've written/ported some routines for numerical
differentiation and integration, one- and multi-dimensional
root-finding and some very basic linear algebra, but so far only for
personal use. Currently, I'm thinking of porting QUADPACK to D.

If you want, I can get you access to scrapple to host what you have.

At some point, maybe. As it is now, what I've written requires a bit more work and structure to be useful to others as a standalone library. But thanks anyway, I'll let you know if I need access. :)

I think it would be really nice if many or all of the above mentioned
things could be collected in a single library, together with all kinds
of other stuff.

So, what do you think? Am I making any sense? Am I the only one
interested in these things?

The libs you list are rather scattered and I don't think they are likely to be merged any time soon. OTOH some sort of snapshot pack that collects stable versions that are known to work together might be practical.

I think you're right that a direct merge isn't feasible. But the libs I mentioned still illustrate the fact that there are people in the D community with both the talent and the interest for these things. My hope was just to get all these people to work together on a single, coherent library. :)


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