Chad J wrote:
Alex Burton wrote:

I just found a bug that comes out of the property syntax.

Yep, as was said, this is a "feature".

Sadly I forget why, but I'm pretty sure ref returning doesn't solve all
of the problems with properties, just this one (sorta).  Also, D1
doesn't have ref returns, so if you're using D1 you're just plain outta'

This has been griped about for a few years now.  There are also other
serious shortcomings of the syntax.  (Sorry, I'm too lazy to look up the
old threads right now.)

Given the "ref returns and properties" thread and a couple other posts
that Andrei made, I suspect this is receiving some thought.

Yah, I gotta say that the a.b.c = d catastrophe finally dropped the coin for me.


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