Don pisze:
Don wrote:
With the druntime project, we now have a run time which is shared between Tango and Phobos. This is a huge step forward, but it's still not much use without some common user code.

The highest priorities which I see are, in order:
(1) the C standard library
tango.stdc = std.stdc
(2) low-level compiler-related modules
most of tango.core -- for the most part, this is already part of druntime.
(3) tango.math.Math + tango.math.IEEE  = std.math - tgamma().

Can we get agreement on unification of these, at least?

If we are able to reach agreement on this, I propose the next step would be to ensure that the contents of these files be made "identical" on Phobos2 and Tango. ("identical" meaning that when the Tango code is ported to D2, it will be identical to the Phobos2 version, except for module name differences).

Please read it again. I'm not asking the question "where do we put it?"
Rather, to agree that it WILL eventually go SOMEWHERE. If we agree on that, there are immediate implications. Those modules have some functions which differ in naming (mostly in case). That's a difference we can fix right now without the politics.

I do agree it's a right direction to extract the common functionality and put it in a one place. But it's a question to the Phobos and Tango maintainers. After all, more time consuming efforts are needed.

Indeed , I don't think there's a person who don't want to see it happen.


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