On Mon, 09 Feb 2009 04:09:26 +0300, Bartosz Milewski <bart...@relisoft.com> 

I just assume that any extension of the already complex D type system will be met with a lot of resistance. I remember the all-out wars about const and immutable (a.k.a invariant). Even those extensions are still half-assed: the construction of immutable objects and const polymorphism issues remain.

My impression is that theoreticians and very advanced programmers love elaborate type systems. Nine-to-five programmers, which are in the majority, prefer simplicity even if the cost is reliability. Just look at the comments to my blog post.

I know we have to do something about null references in D, but I'm still on the fence about how we should accomplish that.

So, let's ask the community: Would you like to see nullable types in D?

(please, don't abuse by voting multiple time)

Explain your reasoning in newsgroups. Thank you.

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