Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

> Bill Baxter wrote:
> > On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> > < <>> 
> > wrote:
> > 
> >     bearophile wrote:
> > 
> >         Andrei Alexandrescu:
> > 
> >             Say at some point there are k available (not taken) slots out of
> >             "n". There is a k/n chance that a random selection finds an
> >             unoccupied slot. The average number of random trials needed
> >             to find
> >             an unoccupied slot is proportional to 1/(k/n) = n/k. So the
> >             total
> >             number of random trials to span the entire array is quadratic.
> >             Multiplying that by 0.9 leaves it quadratic.
> > 
> > 
> >         It's like in hashing: if you want to fill 99% of the available space
> >         in a hash, then you take ages to find empty slots. But if you
> >         fill it
> >         only at 75-90%, then on average you need only one or two tries to
> >         find an empty slot. So your time is linear, with a small
> >         multiplicative constant. When the slots start to get mostly
> >         full, you
> >         change algorithm, copying the empty slots elsewhere.
> > 
> > 
> >     Well I don't buy it. If you make a point, you need to be more
> >     precise than such hand-waving. It's not like in hashing. It's like
> >     in the algorithm we discuss. If you make a clear point that your
> >     performance is better than O(n*n) by stopping at 90% then make it. I
> >     didn't go through much formalism, but my napkin says you're firmly
> >     in quadratic territory.
> > 
> >  
> > Well he has a point that the number of trials required to find an empty 
> > depends not on the absolute number of empty items, but only the ratio of 
> > empties to fulls.   Even your own claim about average number of trials 
> > was n/k -- not sure how you got that though.
> If you toss a N-side dice hoping for a specific face to show up (and 
> stopping afterwards), how many times do you have to toss it on average? 
> I recall (without being sure) that you need to toss it a number of times 
> proportional to N. Could anyone confirm or deny?

avg_trials(N) = sum(t = 1-inf) { 1/N * ((N-1)/N)^(t-1) }

where t is the number of trials.  

Experimentally, it converges to N

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