Don wrote:
Yigal Chripun wrote:
Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"Yigal Chripun"<>  wrote in message
A millennium ago, Europe was in the midst of the dark ages while all
scientific advances were made by Islamic scholars (know Algebra?), and the christian world went on holy crusades to fight the evil "barbarians", now
a millennium later the wheel had turned and the Islamic world is in its
own dark-age (Iran is prime example of that) and the Islamic extremists
are calling for Jihad against the corrupt and evil heretics of the west.
Non of that is present in Judaism.

I'm no theology expert, but from what I understand, the Islamic concept of
Jihad really refers to a person's internal good-vs-evil struggle, not an
external struggle. The so-called "Muslims" that take Jihad to mean actually committing violence against other people are bastardizing thier own religion
in the same way that some people bastardize Christianity into allegedly
being pro-"white power".

Not quite so. Jihad is one of the pillars of Islam, and has about 4 sub-categories one of which is _Jihad_by_sword_ here's a quote for example from :
Ibn Rushd, in his Muqaddimāt, divides Jihad into four kinds:

"Jihad by the heart; Jihad by the tongue; Jihad by the hand and Jihad by the sword." He defines "Jihad by the tongue" as "to commend good conduct and forbid the wrong, like the type of Jihad Allah (swt) ordered us to fulfill against the hypocrites in His Words, “O Prophet! Strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites” (Qur'an [Qur'an 9:73]). Thus, Seraj and Ahmad Hendricks have expressed a view that Muhammad strove against the unbelievers by sword and against the hypocrites by tongue

the only link between Judaism to Christianity is that supposedly Jesus was

Umm...Judaism and Christianity share an entire Bible. Of course,
Christianity adds another Bible (the "New Testament") but they equally
revere what they call the "Old Testament", which *is* the Jewish Bible. As
part of that Bible, both religions contain The Ten Commandments, Moses,
Abraham (this particular part also being shared by Islam), Adam and Eve,
Noah's Ark, and probably some other things. I'm not sure where you get the
idea that Jesus's religion is the only connection between Judaism and

Christianity has mostly redefined out of existence most of the Jewish concepts if not all of them as they appear in the bible (the old testament), and the new testament which overrides the old one defines different, and contradicting new concepts. Christians use different interpretations of the bible and the christian faith basically broke backwards compatibility (to borrow a software concept) with Judaism.

You seem to be assuming that modern Judaism is identical to first-century Judaism. It clearly isn't. In particular, (1) the destruction of the temple required significant "breaking of backward compatibility" (not to anywhere near the same extent as Christianity, of course), and (2) Orthodox Judaism recognizes the Talmud, which was written down later than the New Testament.

Also Christianity retains the Tanakh(Old Testament) word-for-word and regards it as authoritative. This put strict limits on the extent of possible divergence.

Divergence of belief in the historical content of the text, yes. (I know that Christianity has some divergence on whether the text is completely and literally accurate in all aspects. I don't know whether there are any young-earth creationists among non-Christian Jews, or anything like that.)

However, there are a lot of commandments given down regarding what is clean and unclean, and how to distinguish, and treatment for being unclean in various ways. That is universally ignored. Doctors do better at healing people than priests who follow the Torah exactly. In case of an infestation of mold in your house, you are going to call someone who specializes in that issue, and they're not going to follow the Torah, even if they are the strictest of orthodox Jews. And I haven't seen any Christian who felt compelled to avoid eating shellfish due to biblical restrictions.

I don't know many ultra-Orthodox Jews; do any of you know a Jew who would go to his priest regarding a rash before he would go to a doctor?

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