Well at least you've got to make up your mind. It's amazing how you mention instability in three instances and stagnation in two instances, without ever noticing the irony. What's happening?

Instability: Red hat crashes most often. AIX, Solaris and HP-UX just run. Windows crashes sometimes. (Very personal observation, of course)

Instable APIs: POSIX is stable. Most other *NIX APIs regarding Audio, GUI, Graphics and others are constantly changing, with very little visible progress. What is not covered by POSIX is different on ever Unix flavour: Hot do you get the peak virtual memory usage on AIX, Linux and Solaris? Windows: APIs are usually stable. New APIs with new concepts are introduced beside existsing APIs. Yes there is a lot of cruft. And windows is defintetly not "perfect"!!! In no way!
It just sucks less (TM)

Stagnation: On *NIX: same (command line) tools, same concepts (everything is a file) as decades ago. New ideas are usually copied badly from Apple or Windows years later.

So, again: As a desktop and programming environment I prefer Windows. May be I would prefer OS X if I knew it.

As a server: I would use and suggest UNIX. May be even Red Hat is OK and the crashes we experience is a temporary problem and are hardware related.

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