Andrei Alexandrescu schrieb:
> Zz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Are there any plans for a logging library in Std Phobos 2.0?
>> Zz
> I wanted to add logging support for a while now but am undecided about
> the API to use. Log4J is quite popular but quite complicated. There are
> a number of simpler APIs out there but I couldn't figure out which is
> the best.
> If anyone has ideas and/or code to contribute, that would be great.
> Andrei

Why not start with the one from tango? Why has everything to be
different? If it really is not important, why do you have to make it
different than tango? Every code that uses tango and phobos, or wants to
support both has to reimplemnent an intermediate abstraction layer.

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