On Wed, 6 May 2009 21:02:58 +0000 (UTC), BCS wrote:

> Reply to Georg,
>> D made the May headline on Tiobe: "Programming language D suffers
>> sharp fall". You can say that again, D went down 5 places, to below
>> languges like RPG(OS/400) and ABAP!
>> D's loss seems unbelievable. D now has a 0.628% share, which is even
>> less than what it's lost (-0.82%) in the last 12 months. What could be
>> the reasons for it? Is it even possible to figure out any reason??
>> Can this loss induce people to abandon D, and others to not take it
>> up, leading to cumulating losses in the coming months? What do we have
>> to do to prevent this?
> take a look at the graph for RPG(OS/400) and D
> http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/paperinfo/tpci/RPG_(OS_400).html

I wonder if they have accidentally include "RolePlayingGame" programming in
the RPG category?

For "RPG Programming" I get I get 47,500 hits.

For "RPG Programming" + OS/400 I get 9,840 hits.

On the surface, it seems that the Tiobe figures a very "rubbery", if not
outright dishonest.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
skype: derek.j.parnell

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