I agree. Yes, I still use D/D2 for my home-based projects and not in my work. 
So, you could say it is (still) a toy. But, with every release and bug fix, it 
becomes better and better language. I upgrade to the new release with joy, but 
I am not forced to do so if that will break my code.

Finally, new releases are provided as optional, not as compulsory. If someone 
wants to stick with one compiler version, he/she could do the job with that 
version and that's all.

I don't think stability should become an obstacle in looking for better. Life 
evolves, compilers and languages should do that too. It is us, people, which 
should come at length with that truth.

Walter Bright Wrote:

> Steve Teale wrote:
> > This is the sort of answer that will kill D. The guy comes back after
> > 2 years, asks a straight question, and get's told "business as usual,
> > we're still arguing among ourselves about what it should be".
> > 
> > Maybe Tiobe is right! Lots of others may not even bother to ask. They
> > just visit the newsgroup, read a page of it, and conclude "same old,
> > same old", and go away.
> > 
> > D should be D, not maybe 1.043, or let's wait a while and see what
> > happens with D2. Potential real users hate uncertainty. If they are
> > going to commit, then D must do so too.
> What bothers me about this sentiment is that every other mainstream 
> language undergoes revision, sometimes major ones, but that never seems 
> to be an excuse for people to not use it.
> For example, C++ is quite in flux with C++0x.
> The only languages that are not undergoing revision are dead ones.

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