On Fri, 08 May 2009 16:20:48 -0700, Walter Bright wrote:

> Frank Benoit wrote:
>> can you allow "shared" or "__gshared" in D1 as do-nothing keywords? That
>> will make it more easy to write code that compiles for D1 and D2.
>> Or is there a trick to accomplish this?
> I think that making code that will compile under both is an impractical 
> task.

I'm thinking that D1 is really the prototype edition of D, and D2 will be
the first release edition of the "D Programming Language". By this I mean
that D1 has worked out to be a sounding board that has helped define what
the design requirements for "D" have really been. The process is not over
as usage of D1 is still pointing out things that need to be in D2.

This is a good thing. And if we end up with two languages (D1=D_proto and
D2=D_proper) in which both are stable, then that is not such a bad outcome.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
skype: derek.j.parnell

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