On 11/4/12 11:16 AM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Fetching lines should be solved by using types; trafficking in
char[] does not offer guarantees about the preservation of the
content. In contrast, trafficking in string formalizes a binding
agreement between the range and its user that the content is

I think that this may be oversimplifying the issue.

The express purpose here is to simplify instead of offering highly granular notions with many odd corner cases and combinations. So the risk of oversimplifying is indeed material.

What about the
example of a range of in-place permutations over an array? That range
can be made a forward range, or even bidirectional (by reversing the
sense of the comparison used by nextPermutation). But it is inherently a
transient range.

That's an interesting example indeed. It would keep a T[] as its state and each popFront() would mutate that array to its next permutation. Implementing .save would be achieved by duplicating the array.

I would argue this is a tenuous range to characterize as a forward range. Invoking .save on a "usual" forward range means saving the iteration state, with an understanding that the saved range will go through the same iteration steps as the initial one. But nonono, actually the saved range goes through DUPLICATES of the states that the original goes through. Clearly there is an isomorphism of the two sequences of states, but they're not the same states - for example, someone looking at the original array will see the original changing the array, but not the .save.

So what you're looking at is a range that can define .dup, not one that can define .save.

And this is merely one example. I have some non-trivial code that
evaluates an expression tree, each node of which may generate multiple
elements; one may take a range over all possible values that the tree
may have. For efficiency reasons, each output value (which is
vector-valued) reuses the same buffer. It is a forward range with a
transient .front (it has to be a forward range, because otherwise one
can't range over all combinations of multiple values that subtrees may

I'm not sure about this example. Are we looking again at a .dup kind of thing?

While I'm perfectly fine with the decision that such ranges shouldn't be
considered proper ranges at all, it would greatly limit the
applicability of std.algorithm in my code. Either I would have to
artificially limit the range to an input range (which is a bit silly, as
it amounts to renaming .save to something else just so std.algorithm
wouldn't recognize it as a forward range), or I wouldn't be able to use
std.algorithm to manipulate these ranges, but would have to roll my own.
Of course, D makes it so that rolling my own isn't all that hard, but it
would be a bit disappointing that the supposedly-generic algorithms in
the standard library aren't that generic after all.

I understand. At the same time, there is a point where an abstraction can't comprehend all possible instances. There's already significant aggravation moveFront and hasLvalueElements etc., which I'd want to simplify given a chance. Continuing down that path seems risky to me.


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