On Wednesday, 7 November 2012 at 10:33:03 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
You are still missing that const in C++ is different from const in D. Also, if the point is to have higher speed, why shouldn't the function be allowed to use an rvalue as scratch space without a _deep copy_ ?

const in C++ does not mean anything. It is just loosely enforced interface documentation. const in D actually restricts what the callee can do with the argument, in a transitive fashion.

Also depending on how you think of it, the const ref in C++ logically it didn't make sense to pass a mutable rvalue; Say you pass the number 3, you can't modify it logically (ie you can't redefine PI afterall).

When my struct does not support any operations that are const, and creating a mutable copy is not possible due to indirections?

I would simply continue to disallow that, since that would mean that changes to the referenced rvalue would not be visible for the caller (a temporary/literal is changed - how could someone possibly want that?).

The change may well be visible...

class C{
    int x;
struct W{
    C c;

W createW(C c){ return W(c); }
void foo(ref W w){ w.c.x = 2; }

void main(){
    C c = new C;

So basically being named (or not) doesn't change the data, what it is or how it's used, only how accessible it is.

There's some forms of techniques that don't seem to have any value until you have a chance to think about it and use them; Like scopes, overloading, referencing, Exceptions you can easily do without them all (We have C afterall), but it isn't as much fun or clean. Some features and uses thereof make more sense for the back/private implementation rather than the public interface.

The reason I gave my 'divide' example is because a while back I wrote a BitInt (in C like 10 years ago, and a bit buggy); The divide function actually calculated the remainder as a side effect, and using wrappers or writing them as separate portions would actually be harder and slower than joined as it was.

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