Been thinking about this for a while now, but I can't decide which one I should choose.

Currently there is a class URI which has an static method (parser) which returns an instance of URI on success. On failure it will return null.

I agree with Jens Mueller on the fact that URI should be a struct instead of a class. But then I won't be able to return null anymore so I should throw an exception when an invalid URI has been passed to the constructor.

I'm not sure if this is how problems are being handled in phobos.

Something entirely else is the CTFE compatibility of URI. At first I though that because a new instance of URI can be created as a const, it would be evaluated on compile time.
This is part of how I test CTFE at the moment:

const URI uri36 = URI.parse("";);
assert(uri36.scheme == "http");

I tried changing 'const' to 'static' but that resulted in an error. (_adSort cannot be interpreted at compile time, because it has no available source code)

Now I'm not sure anymore how to test if my code meets the CTFE requirements.

I hope someone can shed some light on my problems and help me make a decision.

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