On 10 November 2012 21:07, Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisp...@gmx.com> wrote:

> On Saturday, November 10, 2012 13:21:42 Manu wrote:
> > I'm still not buying this. Here's a common struct I will pass by ref
> > (perhaps the most common struct in my industry):
> >
> > struct Vector { float, x,y,z,w; }
> > struct Matrix { Vector xRow, yRow, zRow, wRow; }
> >
> > Vector mul( scope const ref Matrix m, scope const Vector v)
> > {
> >   Vector v;
> >   // perform a matrix multiply against the vector...
> >   // this work uses every single field of the inputs given, but the
> result
> > it produces has to references to the sources.
> >   // everything is operated on and copied to the output struct, which is
> > returned.
> >   return result;
> > }
> >
> > Why should this be a problem?
> > The majority of my work-horse structs apply to this pattern. This is
> what I
> > imagine 'scope' to be for...
> > The main advantage I expect is that I can have confidence that passing
> > rvalues (temporaries) is safe, and that external code won't take
> references
> > to memory that I may not own/control. Is that not the point?
> >
> > Surely the problem that scope should be protecting against is a pointer
> to
> > any part of the argument escaping. *Copies* of values contained in the
> > argument/s are fine.
> Hmmmm. scope on value types is pointless, because there are no references
> to
> escape, but if you pass by ref, then it does become possible for a pointer
> to
> the argument to escape,

Precisely, to me, this seems like the ENTIRE POINT of 'in'?  (I originally
presumed 'in' implied ref, but I was wrong, 'in ref' is supported however)

but I don't know that that's actually actually covered
> by scope. The description for scope in docs is that "ref­er­ences in the
> pa­
> ra­me­ter can­not be es­caped (e.g. as­signed to a global vari­able)." And
> taking the address of a local variable (which is the only way that any
> sort of
> reference to the data could escape) is never @safe anyway.

When did '@safe'ty enter into it? Are you saying that a ref variable is
somehow a local variable? It's a local pointer to a foreign variable... and
a function can usually operate on that data however it likes.
Scope would promise that nothing other than the function I give it to will
get its grubby little hands on it.
Let's say that function wanted to call through to some other function and
pass the variable along (by ref). Obviously, the second function would also
have to have it's inputs marked scope, to promise that it never escapes
from there.
I imagine scope similarly to const, once it goes scope, the whole callstack
must maintain the scope property, otherwise the outermost function can't
trust it anymore.

This makes perfect sense for any function that is likely to receive
immediate or local variables by reference (which is extremely common).
It also seems absolutely relevant to the rvalues -> ref thing.

If you passed in a
> pointer, and scope were fully working, then you'd be protected against the
> pointer escaping, but passing by ref isn't really the same thing. I'd have
> thought that taking the address of a variable passed by ref would fall into
> pretty much the same camp as taking the address of any other local
> variable,
> which is completely unsafe to escape to the point that I'm not sure that
> there's any point in protecting against it. It's just completely stupid to
> do
> anyway and is definitely @system. Outside of taking the address of a ref
> parameter, taking the address of a local variable and escpaing it is
> _always_
> going to result in garbage, and ref parameters aren't really references in
> the
> normal sense, so I don't know.

What do you mean 'aren't really references in the normal sense'?

You bring up a good point, but I don't know if it's applicable. Certainly,
> without the ref there (like is the case with the Vector that you're passing
> in), scope would never do anything, because it doesn't even theoretically
> have
> anything to do. It's purely a value type that's not even being passed by
> ref.

Correct, scope on a purely value type passed by-value means absolutely
scope on a pointer parameter means something; I would expect the pointer
its self, nor a pointer INTO anything under the pointer could escape.
scope on a by-value parameter that contains pointers (like
delegates/slices) has meaning, I presume scope would be transitive like
const, apply the pointer rule above.
ref is sugar for a pointer, and the above applies verbatim. If you take the
address of the ref argument, you have the pointer, and it mustn't escape,
likewise, no pointers or pointer to anything beneath it.

If my imagination of this concept completely wrong?
This sounds useful to me, I can't imagine another scenario where the
keyword a) makes sense, and b) is useful...

In general though, putting scope on struct parameters would cause a lot of
> problems, because of arrays that they might hold and whatnot. Slices
> wouldn't
> be able to escape (and so copies of the struct wouldn't be able escape
> without
> deep copying, let alone the array itself).

That would be the point though. If you don't want that, then you don't want

That said, I would suggest that it may be considered, for practicality,
that immutable members WERE allowed to escape from scope controlled
I think this makes sense, and is certainly practical. Strings are the most
likely thing to fall under the scenario you illustrated above. Deep-copying
strings (or any similarly immutable data) would be a bit silly.

So, while scope may be very useful
> in some such cases (assuming that it worked), it's not necessarily
> something
> that you'd want as a matter of course.

Of course not.

Part of it probably depends on your
> programming style though. If you have a lot of functions that take
> arguments
> and don't return anything that was in them ever, then scope is less of a
> big
> deal, but that's the sort of thing that happens a _lot_ in my experience,
> so
> scope would very quickly become extremely annoying.
> And actually, to make matters worse, I'm not sure that scope on delegates
> is
> working correctly. I thought that it was, but this code compiles:
> import std.stdio;
> void delegate() global;
> void foo(scope void delegate() del)
> {
>     global = del;
> }
> void main()
> {
>     {
>         char[5] bar = "hello";
>         foo((){writeln(bar);});
>     }
>     char[7] baz = "goodbye";
>     global();
> }
> It also prints out "hello", and if a closure had not been allocated, I
> would
> have at least half-expected it to print out "goodb", because I'd have
> thought
> that baz would have been taking up the same memory that bar had been. So,
> it
> looks like scope may be completely and utterly broken at this point. I
> don't
> know.
> - Jonathan M Davis

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