On Tuesday, 13 November 2012 at 21:37:38 UTC, Peter Alexander wrote:
On Tuesday, 13 November 2012 at 21:34:28 UTC, Rob T wrote:
I'm wondering why overloading has been implemented to only match on the argument list rather than the full signature which includes the return type? I know I would use it if it was available.

If it worked on return type, how would it decide the overload?

int foo() { ... }
string foo() { ... }

void bar(int x) { ... }
void bar(string y) { ... }

auto z = foo(); // what foo?
bar(foo()); // what foo?

Don't use auto in such cases. If the compiler cannot resolve ambiguity, it will issue an error telling you that you must resolve the situation with explicit typing. I don't see a problem, because this is similar to the situation we already have when you err and create two functions with the same argument sig, the compiler cannot tell which function to use and issues an error with appropriate message.


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