On Thursday, 29 November 2012 at 22:12:08 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
The benevolent dictator model is quite common in open source
development. There needs to be a team to support that if you
want to really be
a team project rather than one person's pet project, and it's
not like the
dictator decides everything, but having one person with the
final say can be
very beneficial.
Fair enough, I can accept that, and will even agree with it.
But as it stands, there's plenty of decision making that goes
on outside of
Walter with regards to Phobos. In fact, he's not involved with
Phobos much at
all at this point. It's really just the language and the
compiler over which
Walter exercises that level of control.
- Jonathan M Davis
In my view, the biggest problem that I see is how the project
development is structured, so if anything is to change for the
better in a significant way, it will be with changing the
development process, and that should have no effect on Walter's
status as a benevolent dictator (something which I have no reason
at all to question), but it should create a sense of stability
and a much smoother release process for everyone concerned.
Seriously, how many years has the D community been operating in
this way, 10 or more?
There's not a heck of a lot here to debate other than to simply
start the process of switching over to a more stable and
efficient development process.