On 2012-11-29 11:35, foobar wrote:

a champion cannot solve this issue as this requires participation of all
(core) developers. Otherwise we get a _lot_ of redundant after the fact
maintenance work. The only way to succeed long term is to remove all
single points of failures - the single master branch on the technical
side, and a single decision making person (you) on the management side.
It can only be possible if you agree to relinquish some control and
allow other core developers to _fully_ participate. that includes -
review/pull powers, managing their own branches, taking part in the
decision making process as to what feature is mature enough to be
"released" on the stable branch. No champion can do any of that as it
requires your agreement and participation.
Until such changes happen and D becomes _a community process_ (as I see
Andrei is rightfully pushing for) there is little chance of a bigger D

Also, just to touch the multiple compiler versions overhead you
mentioned - The point of maintaining multiple branches is to _minimize_
such overhead, not increase it. This allows for easier management of
features, a more gradual release process to prevent regressions and
breakage on the release branch, it gives _more control_ and allows for
scaling of management to more developers. more branches => less work for

So true.

/Jacob Carlborg

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